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Understanding our early attachment patterns

Our early bonds shape how we connect. When these bonds are insecure, it can lead to attachment issues impacting relationships and self-esteem. Your attachment style informs the way you relate to other people, to yourself, to your work, and relationships. So many struggles’ people face lead back to their attachment style, which is formed in infancy. You may feel co-dependent, clingy, and needy with partners, friends, Or you may struggle to connect with others, find it easiest to withdraw into yourself, and avoid emotions. These patterns affect the way we relate in relationships during both easy and challenging moments. 

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How to listen and be heard

During communication there is a listener and the speaker, two people in the conversation and it’s important that there is a shared responsibility in both the listening and the delivery of it. Don’t stay silent as a listener, listen attentively, don’t interrupt when the other person is speaking, but when there is a need for clarification then do jump in and as there can be a lot of information overload from the speaker, do interrupt when there is a pause, staying silent for a long time doesn’t make the speaker feel heard.

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Walk & Talk Therapy

Walk & Talk Therapy is facilitated in natural spaces. Outdoor therapy takes counselling and psychotherapy out of the therapy room and into the great outdoors. Outdoor therapy is suitable for everyone. It can have great benefits for wheelchair users, those with limited or no mobility, and for those with other needs such as sensory processing disorders. Getting out in the open air is often recommended for improving mental health and wellbeing, so it’s not surprising that outdoor therapy is becoming increasingly popular. Walking side by side can create a more comfortable and relaxed environment, which can lead to more open and honest communication.

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