Walk & Talk Therapy

Walk & Talk Therapy is facilitated in natural spaces. Outdoor therapy takes counselling and psychotherapy out of the therapy room and into the great outdoors. Outdoor therapy is suitable for everyone. It can have great benefits for wheelchair users, those with limited or no mobility, and for those with other needs such as sensory processing disorders. Getting out in the open air is often recommended for improving mental health and wellbeing, so it’s not surprising that outdoor therapy is becoming increasingly popular. Walking side by side can create a more comfortable and relaxed environment, which can lead to more open and honest communication.

Eco Therapy offers breaks from remote and room sessions and allows you to be in the open air and individuals can connect with nature through sights, scents, sounds and tactile sensations, becoming more aware of your bodily sensations and emotions. W&T can help with awkward format of being stared at by a therapist sitting across from you. Just being connected to nature can be beneficial. It can offer bilateral stimulation, improves emotional regulation and promotes relaxation and mindfulness.

W&T can improve both mental and physical healthy, reducing isolation, feelings of loneliness, anxiety & depression and it can be useful for individuals who may find it uncomfortable with eye contact, isolated or feeling lonely.  While this method may not be for everyone, if you are interested and remain open-minded, you may reap its many benefits. 

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